
Sunday, March 25, 2012




The battle of souls raged across the tides of men who inhabited the planet. As the rich grew fat from the spoils of war the common man suffered greatly as petty differences set them at each others throats. Small fights over a piece of the pie in the pan of life. All of it orchestrated and planned out.

A dreamer awoke from his sleep and tried to tell others of his dream of peace and they laughed for peace was a vision for the lost. Yet the mission continued for there had to be hope in the hearts of humanity. And at night the dreamer still saw two worlds ripped from one...Fire on one side and ice on the other. So solid were these dreams that it was as if he could reach out and touch them. Malice seemed to fade away as more people started to dream with him and he finally felt the power of good that was buried in mans soul. Those who would live the dream retreated into villages away from society. Yet even as he started to feel that he could withdraw from the ways of the petty, they continued to attack the land that he occupied. The depths of his being.

As a boy he had been trained for war by a great general who in his wisdom had sent many other warriors to teach him as well. The man was as adept as he seemed and yet many continued to try to breach his tower... to understand his mind. It would always prove fruitless. The spys of the enemy were sent away confused by the strange magic that flowed from the man. Masons and doctors fell in his wake as did politicians and judges, for his power was real and it flowed through him as surely as a river must flow to the sea.

As time passed the man was blessed to find one with a pure heart who had been through a hell as solid as his own and he felt that it was time for him to begin his quest. Yet at times he felt as if even she did not see as he did. Frustration was his constant friend and enemy. Even in the maiden days of his voyage was he attacked from all sides as all around him kingdoms began to fall. The religious making war on the spiritual. For none of them realised the secret... The key. 

And the dreamer continued to dream. 

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