
Sunday, March 25, 2012


the music for this sordid tale...

If I gave you the key would you be brave enough to open the door?
Would you run and hide in the corner afraid of all the things that you have seen?
When the truth touched your cerebelum would tears flow from your occulars, from the ducts that moisten the eyes?
The sky would it seem a bit brighter, the water a little sweeter, the earth a little more solid?
What of the children?
Would you spread the truth to them or keep it to yourself, selfishly denying them a a chance to pass it along, make this a better world.
For I am a warrior granted but a few seconds of mans time to pass these words along, for I was aware of my fleeting time as I floated in the womb.
Always thought I would die by another mans hand for I speak of the folly of following the lead of barbarians, savage usurpers of our ancestors land.
African blood that flowed from the wound in the side of yeshua, African blood that ran from holes in Malcolm, African blood that attests to our connection to allah... this world.
At times it seems as if I bang my head against the proverbial brick wall, bumps and bruises inflicted by my own tribe.
Scared of looking back and seeing Africa, looking forward to a white future on a science fiction spaceship.
Since the world is 80 percent men of color what is to become of us when suburbia is located on the moon?
Biohazard targets drawn on the backs of we as from this planet do they seek to flee.
Steal our science and weaken the blood, aids and drugs, hoes and thugs.
Left behind. 

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