
Sunday, March 25, 2012




The dreamer was aware of so many things that at times he wondered if all humanity could be so blind that they would be led into the darkness so willingly. Yet life in the darkness had been good for him as he had givin life and taken it. As he had played with the emotions and sensibilitys of the throngs that moved as if totally unaware of the rift in the space time continuum. 

In the darkness it all boiled down to survival. No matter the cost. The dreamer had thrived in the darkness yet it seemed that even in the darkness the power in him led him in a different direction. 

The dreamer was born with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and his mother was young and afraid. 

She was also alone. 

The dreamer had just lain there and sucked his fist until the midwife came and taken the cord from his neck. The midwife who also was gifted looked at him and proclaimed his greatness for he was supposed to be dead. No child was supposed to survive this. All through his life the dreamer had missed death by fractions of an inch. 

What no one knew was that the dreamer was capable of warping time. Tweeking it just a bit so that situations turned in his favor. As the rift grew wider he grew even stronger. Time seemed to have no meaning for him. He looked younger than his age and was in tune with people of all other generations.

The dreamer was well liked by most people but even the ones who are liked by many are hated by those who wanted to be like him. To have his influence. 

All around him the agents of the dark continued to poke at him as he tried to bring the dream to the people . 

To wake them up. 

The agents of the dark thought that he wanted just worldly riches and many times tried to entice him with the lure of money, women, The false power that they had but he was searching for something that trancended time and space. That had been lost in a time so far away that there were only whispers of its existence. 

And the dreamer continued to dream. 

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