
Sunday, March 25, 2012



the music for this piece...

By now the dream had grown to proportions to large to contain...The dream and reality were becoming one and the same. The dream was life and life the dream. Symbiosis of the metaphysical and the physical. The dream was everything that lived or had ever lived and it was all that would live in the future. It was everything, animate and inanimate, and it was nothing.The dream was in everything from the breeze that made the leaves sigh, to the leaves themselves as they rustled beneath the dreamers feet. 

Angels spoke in the dreams of the dreamer. Sometimes their voices sounded like the chimes that sang so beautifully on the morning breeze. Sometimes they spoke in the booming tones of thunder as it shook the foundations of the planet on which the dreamer dwelled. Many wondered where the dreamer had come from, how was he formed. He always answered the same. 'I do not know.' Yet the dreamer had a secret. He warned of the darkness because once he had been a part of the darkness. Sometimes he could feel the pull of the darkness like an old lover who kept wanting him to come into her bed, to fill her with his seed. Yet he resisted for the mission he was on was from Allah. He could feel the fingers of darkness reaching out to him as people poked at him, trying to draw him into their world of insecurity and greed. 

The dreamer had no respect for the riches of the world. Diamonds and gold. Money and possesions were the way of the darkness. The dreamer only respected knowledge for in knowledge was truth. The truth was that the darkness was growing stronger as he grew stronger. For it fed off of the evil that was being converted to darkness in the minds of the weak. 

At one time the dreamer had taken a vow which was as old as the planet he found himself on. As his hair had grown he had felt the power which coursed through him grow. He was plugged into the cosmos. Yet at the end of his vow he had discovered that the power was not in his hair, it had been there from the time of his birth. Which in itself was miraculous. 

And yet the dreamer continued to dream. 

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