
Sunday, March 25, 2012

[electronic love]

[electronic love]

I am home on leave and one of my boys is sitting in my living room telling me about some girls he met.
I am half listening cause he is known to lie from time to time and I don't want to be sucked into one of his wild ass tales right now.
"Man I got one you would like bro. she has a big ol ass and all."
Okay now he has my full attention.
I say "man why you lyin and shit."
"Man I aint lyin" he says as I pass him the blunt and he takes a toke and coughs.
After he is done coughing he passes it back to me and says "man let me use the damn phone?"
He dials and I say to myself "this nigga probably is calling a number he knows aint no damn good" and I sit back and use the pencil in my hand to put some finishing touches on the graffitti that I have been working on.
I look over and I see that he is still holding an imaginary ass conversation on the phone or so I think until I hear the laughter of a woman.
He starts to tell her about me and I sit foward cause I want him to get this shit right.
I hear him say "here he is right here" and he hands me the phone.
I take it from his hands with a little trepidation cause he is also known to like some skanky ass women too and I do not need that on my resume.
I place it to my ear and I say "Hello?"
There is a pause and I hear someone say hello back to me and we begin to talk.
I mean its kind of weird because I have never seen her but we talk for hours and I do not even really notice when he leaves...when my family comes home.
She tells me that she is 17 and that her birthday is next week and that she is throwing a party at the Sheraton and asks me if I would like to come. I say yes and we talk a little while longer before we hang up and go to help my mom in the kitchen. I have always liked to cook and my mom likes my food as well as I like hers.
We talk every night and we begin to grow close over the phone and every night I wonder what she looks like as I am sure she wonders what I look like as well.
Her party is going to be on New Years Eve and I buy a brand new outfit in anticipation.
Every day I hang out with my boys and smoke and drink. Idont know it yet but this will be my last time seeing a couple of them as they become casualties of the streets.
And I am in the what a juxtaposition!
The night of her party I call a cab and I arrive at the Sheraton thinking of an escape if she is ugly or whatever.Hey what can I say?
I catch the elevator to the floor she is on and as the doors slide open I hear music and see people standing around. I walk through the crowd and enter the suite where they are throwing the party. No one notices me so I just kind of stand around until a beautiful girl pushes a drink in my hand and disappears back into the crowd.
I take a sip of the drink and smile.
It is just like I like it strong and firm and I lean back against the wall and start listening to voices trying to pick her out.
A group of girls enter the room and I hear her but I cant see her as well as I want to because they surround her.
I move closer and it seems as if they all move at the same time and I see her.
She is beautiful and yes indeed she does have a most magnificent ass.
I move to her and whisper in her ear and she leans back into me.
"I knew that you would come."
"Would'nt miss it or you for the world." I say as she takes my hand and introduces me to the beautiful girl who handed me my drink.
Turns out this is her sister and the other girls are all classmates and friends.
We all stand around and talk for awhile before I make the acquaintance of her cousin and his frien and we discover that we share a common love of the bud and we dip out to burn a couple.
I return to the party after we finish and she says "I thought maybe you did'nt like me or something."
I assure her that is certainly not the case and she says to me "I want to go somewhere alone with you."
I take her hand and we walk out of the party and go to the next floor down where it is a little quieter and we start to make out in the hall.
What the hell it is New Years Eve.
I rub her ample breasts through her blouse and we kiss and become hotter and hotter.
I push her back and we look at each other for a minute before I take her hand and lead her to the service elevator room and I push her against the wall and thrust my hand into her pants and she moans so deeply that it makes my dick even harder.
I start to take her pants off and she tries to stop say someone might catch us. I tell her thats what makes it better and we fall to the floor as I push her legs as far back as they will go and beat into her pussy as she throws her pussy back at me.
We fuck like this until we both cum and I kiss her deeply before I get up and hand her one of the clean towels that lies folded on the maids stand.
She stands up and I ask her if she wants to see something. She says yes and we ride the elevator to the top floor of the Sheraton and look at the city as it lies beneath us and talk of our young futures.
I do not want to share her with anyone so when we leave the top floor I ask her if she would like to go for a walk with me and she says yes, so we walk out into the Florida winter night and even though all I wear is a long sleeved shirt and pants and she wears a sweater and jeans we are warm.
I decide to take her in the direction that I grew up in and we walk, talk, hold hands as we look at the lights and admire the night and each other.
Every once in awhile we pause to kiss and I feel my nature rising again right before she says Iwish we had somewhere to go.
I look around as we walk and I notice a house that is empty. We are in a historic district so the house around us have ample yards and plenty of foliage and I take her hand and we move up the walk of the empty house and I tell her to sit on the front porch as I check the windows and doors and they all are locked.
Yet I grew up in the ghetto and one of the things that I was good at was getting in locked doors and windows.
I plead the fifth.
I get in and make my way to the front door and let her in and we sit on the floor and talk for awhile before I strip her naked and do something that I have been wanting to do since I saw that big ol booty earlier.
I turn her around and guide my dick into her doggystyle and she pushes back against me as I fuck her and spank her ass.
She comes so fast that it surprises me but I am not finished yet and I fuck her until she begs me to cum in fill her up and I do.
We talk and fuck for the rest of the night and when I take her back to the room everyone is already asleep.
We kiss and I promise to call her tat night and when I do we talk until the next morning.
We see each other a few more times before I leave and when I am home I always make sure to call her and our relationship continues for many years.
She always will be my first electronic lover.

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