
Friday, March 23, 2012



You lie beneath me all plump and sweet and my blood surges through these veins and expands the dimensions of my flesh... such a delectible treat as my mouth waters in anticipation.
Oh sooooo slow cause I wanna savor this feeling as it raises the hairs on my arms... fills the receptors of my nostrils... makes me want to suck you up.
The cream of you and me... cream of we.
A brush of the tongue on your lips as they become puffy and wet... as the man in the boat rises in anticipation.. a storm brewing on the horizon.
Don't try to push me away now.
Legs all up in the air... slave to the waves as they swoosh in your belly. 
Fluttering and sputtering as the river runs between your cheeks... wets the sheets.
A night where time seems to have no hold... is that the sun rising or the light of a sexual nova?
A sexual universe created in your implosion as I rise and stand.
Its my turn now.

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