
Friday, March 23, 2012



When I wake in the morning and the air is fresh and crisp I listen to the birds as they sing in blended song.
The voices take me to a mellow place where I am but a cog in the mighty machine.
The synchopated drum of the woodpecker as his red crown flashes back and forth and he beats his drum... ambient sound as the tree amplifies his message.
Reminding me of my ancestors who sent messages across the continent of Africa... the chant of my sisters as they swayed in unison.
Ancient rhythm, power and sound translated into these times as the hummingbirds wings beat blindingly and add hum to the art of all this noise.
Allusions to the whir of life in the forest and on the plains as the song echos off city walls and carries across the land where a poor man is still a poor man.
Rising so early to get the proverbial worm as the dawn breaks and the day begins.
Melody and percussion combine as the frantic pace continues and the beat goes on while the birds sing in accompaniment.
I a bard in this manifestation...Drifting on the woodpeckers breakdown... 


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