
Friday, March 23, 2012


Lately I have been seeing things that just dont seem to add up. Newt Gingrich is clearly one of the most racist white politicians in the race for presidency in the U.S. today, yet he appeals to a growing number of the white masses. What seems to be happening is a shift to the metaphorical right, yet if you really look at it is it a shift or is it just a whole lot of white people finally admitting who they are. In my eyes not much has changed for black people since slavery. Many of us have the exact same mindset. Depending on massa for everything that we get. Thinking that we have to work for him and then turn around and spend every penny that we make right back with him while he sits his fat metaphorical ass around and lives off of our labor.
What Newt Gingrich is doing is playing on the same fears that were played on in the Birth of a Nation {which is featured in the link here}
. These fears are implanted in white people very young and seem to exist on a subconscious level in most of the white people that I have met. Even the ones who hang around blacks. Its much harder to not have prejudice when you have lived in a society that was founded and remains based on prejudice, especially when you are born to the so called ruling elite. 
After the playing of the movie above the ranks of the K.K.K. increased 20 fold in one night. The nation went on high alert against the threat of the darky, and hangings and murder increased. Right now we still suffer because of these fears. Think about it. Who do the so called Boom box Laws affect? Weed and seed? Even the patriot act figures into this equation where there are no rights in the black neighborhoods of Amerikkka. Where you are guilty until proven innocent and Allah help you if your crime was commited against a white person.
Newt Gingrich should be tried and convicted for committing a hate crime yet he is being deified and paraded in the face of all people of color and white as the solution. I mean thats how I see it and you can see that shit anyway you wanna but to me Newt might as well be wearing a hood and a damn sheet right now. It is only when we begin to see things as they truly are when we will begin to move onto the playing field not as pawns but as kings and queens. It is time that we formed our own governments and sought our piece of this stolen land that so many of our ancestors died on. Unappreciated and villified if only for the color of their skin. Where so many of our inventions make life so much easier for so many other people. Where the police exist only as an invading force. 
Yet Newt is not the only problem. There are so many more and I will try to bring them to your attention as I present this series which I am breaking into small bites so that it can be digested comfortably.
Once again this is Hamzah Faruq coming from the south and bringing hot ass fyah.

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