
Friday, March 23, 2012


This is my attempt to write you through these things... to write my way through these serious things.
A black man crying into the dirt from whence we came...tears into the sand... Allah incarnate in our dna.
Worlds that we aspire to go to while all the time the universe is you... broken down to the size of a mustard seed.
So simple that even a caveman in an airplane over Afghanistan could overstand
Plain english for an english speaker if you get my drift? Even translated into Chinese it would remain the plain un-obliterated truth.
As the blades of grass wave in the breeze... so are we evicerally.
A waning and waxing piece of poetic fluidity... Al hamdu allah.
If only the children were taught the truth and allowed to work it out.
Dead leaves being pushed by treacherous winds and left lying desolated in the gutters waiting to be swept away.
Whispers unto Allah across the overwhelming mass of man.
All I got is these words to give... my weight on the scale... these things that I know.
Take these from me and you might as well slice my jugular vein... cause even when I was locked up I spit this shit.
You can lock up my body but not my notty ass mind... African I remain... born and raised in the ghettos of babylon.
So much have I seen.
This is my attempt to write you through these things... to write my way through these serious things.


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