
Friday, March 23, 2012



You have become the core of the flames that burn in the furnace of a dislocated African soul.
Free in Babylon roaming on hyped up Africanality... a black man mentality. 
Drifting on the winds, rains and waves of an empress in this naturality.
Where the sun shines on these days and the childrens laughter fills the air. Bouncing off of brick walls.
Mothers who struggle to raise good children in the face of all this mess.. brothers who try to live like men when all they have left is a trail of tears.
Is happiness but a dream... some Willie Wonka shit that other people have?
As your aura washes over the burned out trees and ashes that already sprout new life in shades of green.
Testaments to the power of soul queens in this span of human existence where we have been placed. 
A whisper that speeds by on a cybertronic highway in the funk filled membranes of a southern poetic scribe. 
Electrical impulses that spark in the synapses and flicker to fingertips causing ink to drip... drip... drip.
Weight of a thousand worlds as you condence in the physicality of we.

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