
Friday, March 23, 2012


When the desire rises and the nature of a man and a woman reaches it highest height... when the sun and the earth unite.
When two humans pay homage to the most high by consumating and multiplying.
When he feels her and she feels he.
No need for dominance cause all that is just bullshit... something to mess up the master plan.
We fit together because of the need to propagate... to complete the mathematics as decreed by divine proclamation.
The way that your hips flair instantaneously ignites receptors in my primal mind where the keys tap such a seductive song.
When it is realized that just to revolve in the sphere of your circumference and have you revolve in mine is natures sweetest dance.
Spin in your splendor as you radiate.
Such a scintillating tale of us as we increase in magnitude across the expance of our universality.
When the first breath was breathed and the resulting CO2 caused the birth of trees... filled the sea with life.
When a man stood in a garden in ancient Africa from whence came we.
Alpha and Omega... a man and a woman.
In these savage times where your scent washes over my pheromonic senses and sends me spiraling into the sky of we.
Tell me how me sound, hear me loud and clear.
Oh ye African queen.


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