
Saturday, March 24, 2012



Are we just gonna fade away as the sun sets on our horizon, we the children of Africa?
When the light dissipates in the eyes of the last of our kind will anyone even shed a tear for the loss of truth.
Will anyone mention us when they allude to the pyramids which still stand as testaments to our relationship with allah?
Will they speak of us when they point to the shining cities which cast their lights into the darkness of space?
As the tower of babel rises again from institutions of science in these dens of sin, scientifically.
Clones and test tube babies, genetic manipulations and tweaks to mitochondrial dna.
Standing on corners with saggy pants and insane thoughts in the membranes of twisted brains where women are hoes and your brothers are yo niggas.
Slavery for the hopelessly enslaved who wallow in the throes of forgetfulness and visions of becoming one with the beast.
He who has shown no regard as he hastens us towards genocide.
Drugs, guns, and tricknowledge.
Schools, prisons and houses of worship.
We are but shadows of our former selves.
Are we just gonna fade away as the sun sets on our horizon?


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