
Saturday, March 24, 2012

[HYPOCRITES AND PARASITES] a one word topic submitted by Rahim Ndabe Mbili

[HYPOCRITES AND PARASITES] a one word topic submitted by Rahim Ndabe Mbili

Hypocrites and parasites walk among the ranks of men cloaked in human skin.
Smiling, ever smiling as they seek to cause disharmony.
They wear the most beautiful faces and drap themselves in the finery of life... so sad their souls.
Hypocrites and parasites tear at the fabric of humanity like wolves at the flesh of sheep.
So many are consumed in the fire that they spread... destruction and doom.
Like vampires brought to life they suck at the fluid of all that we are.
Men and women follow hypocrites willingly as they lead all to the waters of the sea that lap at the rocks below.
Brain matter that froths in the waves... red slivers in the tide.
Hypocrites and parasites are one and the same as they lead men to their eventual extinction... proclaiming peace and waging war in the name of Allah.
Saying they care when all they want to see is suffering... souls that are crushed as they go along on their Hypocritical way.
We live in the most hypocritical and parasitical of times.


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