
Saturday, March 24, 2012



I just want to sink into you... to touch your tired feet and ease all that shit away.
To rub at your skin and become a part of you.
To suck at your breasts where the fluid of life flows as it is extracted from your blood.
Created by the union of seed and fruit in the depth of your womb where I seek to dwell for the length of my sexual fantasy.
I just want to feel your skin as it presses against mine and make my nature rise in my loins... explosions of sensuality.
Just a little of your honey as it flows across my tree and into the roots... my tree... indeed.
To feel the velvet creaminess of your sheath as it pulses with your heartbeat and fluctuates when you scream.
Hold on to me in the morning as your sex tells you that you have seen me.
Felt me as I tried to morph into the corpuscles of your origins.
I just want to sink into you.


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