
Saturday, March 24, 2012



Sometimes I just be wanting me a bad ass know, a bad girl.
Just lay her down and push her legs back and kiss her flower as the petals swell and fill my mouth.
Her soft flesh so pliant to my grasp... to the hardness of my throbbing skin.
A most delicate ballet as I proceed to dance this symphony on a feminine stage. mmmmm.
The delighted screams of her that fill the air as I reach her innermost core and the magma begins to flow.
To hear the begs and the pleas as I beat the most primitive of my bass rythyms into the air that surrounds us.
A guerilla possessed by the need that flows in the nuclei of his brain.
All I see is her as she opens her doors to let me in and I enter the gates of her womb.
A brute loosed in the china of this giftshop.
Cries that fall from our lips and cause the air to vibrate and ocillate.
I want a woman that can make a tree topple in this forest.
Yep a bad girl...
Cum to me

1 comment:

  1. I gotta have me a badass man
    who will stand and salute
    When I call him to attention
    with my tongue swirling the circumference
    of the tip of his head
    Do you hear what I just said?
    I gotta have me a badass man
    who don't give a damn if the neighbors
    call the cops! HE IS THE POLICE, lol.
    Cuffing me, booking me, and got my body on lockdown! I threw away the key just so he'd
    stay gated to my garden, mowing the grass,
    doing yard work at home like a badass man
    should do, if he's for me...
    I gotta have me a badass man
    he respects me in the morning and checks me
    late night to be sure my snap dragon is tight is, and sooooooo RIGHT! I gotta have me a badass man, because I'm a badass wo-man FO SHO.
