
Saturday, March 24, 2012




We hang out in the parking lot of the club getting fucked up...its what we do on saturday nights. Get fucked up and look for victims.
As we talk we notice a female walking towards us and we are startled as she starts to talk to one of our friends. It seems that they had some classes together in college and she is trying to get him to remember her.
Oh, oh. VICTIM!
I hear him give the old "OH YEAHHHH...I remember you" line and I move to his rescue.
I introduce myself to her and I notice that she is dressed very nice, and although very pretty she is smashed. I can tell by the way she is dressed that she is definitely not a hoodrat.
My friend and I play her like a finely tuned violin. What do they call them? Oh yeah a Stradivarius, as we talk to her.
She tells us that she is about to be married and we commend her on that.
Yet we sense that there is a little more to this tale than she is telling us.
She is alone and we convince her after awhile that it is best that we escort her home.
You know, seeing as how we are such fine gentlemen.
She agrees but since my friend is riding with me and I have the weed we all agree that I will just follow her to her house and my friend will ride with her.
His brother climbs in the car and we follow them to her house.
We get there and my suspicions are confimed. She lives about a block away from campus and has a three bedroom house to herself. A gift from her parents.
Yep money.
She opens the door and we all come in and she locks the door behind us.
I briefly notice that she locks the door with a key on the inside. It registers but, oh what the hell.
We sit down and start to drink from the bottle of Jim Beam that we brought with us.I roll a couple of blunts and we smoke and talk until she says that she had to take a shower.
We all look at each other and you can see the same word in all our eyes.
We sit and talk as she takes her shower. We have all night.
As we talk I notice that I can see in the batroom through the mirror that is in the hall across from the bathroom. I look at her as she showers ans climbs out of the shower and grabs her towel and walk to the door of the bathroom. By this time I am hard as a rock and I jump up and announce that I have to use the bathroom.
My friends keep talking... I guess they dont make the connection.
I catch her in the hall and pull here into the room across the hall and start to suck her with her pussy.
She takes my pants loose and as they fall to the floor I push her to the floor and she opens her legs as I drive my dick into her pussy and start to pound into her.
By this time my friends have apparently figured out what is happening and they join us in the room. One of them grabs her legs and pull them even further back as I continue to beat inside her.
She zips his pants down and takes his dick into her mouth. The other one lets her play with his dick as we fuck her back and forth.
Do not be surprised we share a whole lotta things in the projects where we are from.
We switch up until everyone has had his turn and she is covered in sweat and cumming continuously.
She is hairy as hell and we all make comment of that fact as she screams time and time again...orgasm after orgasm.
After we are done we return to the living room as she takes another shower. We all take individual showers after she comes back.
We all sit down and smoke on the good ganja as we talk. She tells my friend that she had a crush on him in school and that she wanted to fuck him even then.
She also tells us of her two suicide attempts and the man who hurt her.
How she will kill him if she sees him again.
As I have said before I am from the projects so this gives me the special training needed when dealing with crazy people.
I get up and ease my way to the door. I see the locks and all of a sudden I remember that she locked them from inside with a key.
I say this to myself.
I turn around and she says "you cant go."
Projects. Remember? Special training.
I put it to use.
"Bitch where is the motherfucking key?"
Suddenly she pull a knife from under the cushion of the chair and says "WHO YOU CALLING A BITCH!
I say "Nobody."
"Oh... I thought so.
I look at my friends and they are stuck to their seats.
Well so much for backup.
Now keep in mind that she has on a bathrobe and even though she is holding a knife she is still fine as hell, as I notice when it falls open.
She says that she just needs someone to hold her.
I think quickly and say "Put down the knife and I will hold you."
I see the curtains hanging over the window and I kind of move towards them.
I have on boxers and I am miles from home but I really feel I can make it if I jump out of the window.
I keep her talking and I ease towards the window.
She says I see what you are doing" and moves to the widow and pulls the curtains apart.
I curse the damn architect who built this damn house.
There are steel plates every 4 inches across the glass. Reed Richards would have a hard time getting out of here.
My plan is destroyed and I go to the couch and sit by my damn friends and start to pray that this crazy bitch dont kill us all and put us in some acid, They got everything else in this motherfucking house.
She lets the bathrobe fall from her body and tells us that as long as we fuck her for the rest of the night she will let us go in the morning.
Since my friends have been so helpful in this situation I throw them under the bus.
"Jay man she really likes you get that pussy bro."
He looks at me like he wants to choke me.
His brother stands and just puts his dick in her mouth...a real trooper.
All night we take turns fucking her as the other search for those damn keys. At around 5:30 in the morning she drifts off to sleep and we find the keys.
We sneak out and push my car down the road a bit before we crank it and haul ass.
The next day we all agree on one thing.
That crazy bitch had some good pussy.


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