
Saturday, March 24, 2012



If you could control this pen that scratches these marks on this here piece of paper what would you have me write?
Would you have me scribe of the queen that I saw today?
Her smell which wafted back to me as she walked in front of these eyes in her pretty sundress...all big ol booty and dark brown skin as I looked away and asked forgiveness of Allah in this the month of ramadhan.
How about the hot air that seems to sit still as the molecules appear to gain weight...humidity so thick that it seems as if we swim through its big ass fish stranded out of water.
The roar of life as it buzzes by...the sound of millions of bees magnified by the need to feed.
The smell of exaust as a truck rumbles by on its way to making somebody a little wealthier...further depleting the ozone.
Would you have me write of Allah...write of jesus...write of babies that die...of mothers that cry...of men that made the wrong turn on the crossroads of life.
A 10 by 6 cell with chpped paint and graffiti on the walls where his days and nights have become one long nightmare.
Meanwhile a young man beats on a steel bunk with dreams of being a rapper as he is consumed by the system...eaten alive.
If you could control this pen would you confine my ink to words that appease only you...while ignoring all else that matters to me.
A bird in a cage ouside is still a captive.
Would you lock me away while silencing my words and crush my spirit like you would a slave... if you could. 

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