
Saturday, March 24, 2012



I am going to do something that I have not done for awhile.
It is time for me to piss in some coffee and pass it around.
I am tired of banging my fucking head trying to wake up people who are glad to be be manipulated in a fantastic dream.
Today we are going to talk about inheritance and the duty of the inheriters to the inheritance.
African-American is still just another word for nigger.
If you dont believe me then look at all the actions of those who bestowed this name upon you. 
Even the "African-American" leaders who purportedly authorized the use of this name are part of the greatest conspiracy ever perpetuated on a people on any planet as they allow the government of this country and so many others to hide truth from our children and make them into slaves for the future.
So many of our children have no real purpose in life and this relates to the fact that they are brainwashed by the same system that brainwashed our ancestors and so many of us through all the years that we have been involved in this "system" as it stands today.
One of my favorite sayings is that a people with no past are not really viable in the present and will never have a true future.
As our young men are being lured into the demons lair so to speak walking around with their pants sagging as more and more of them are weakening the seed and in some instances just plain letting it die in other mens asses.
This is directly attributable to the things that have occured in the years since the "African-American" [hereafter referred to as Dislocated African] peoples intergration in this country.
If you look at mass media deeply you will see a trend...while Dislocated Africans were being kicked out of school all over the country for various reasons and being incarcerated in the jails and prisons of Amerikkka, mass media went into overdrive and began to pump out commercials that were geared for the Dislocated African community.
These commercials almost always had a theme that was loosely related to something that we did... i.e...the Mcdonalds commercials where somebody is always beat boxing or rapping.
In ignorance a lot of Dislocated africans thought that this meant that we were being included while all the time we were being misled...straight into the lions den.
If you look at the rap industry you will see that before the mid nineties almost all rap had a theme that related to Africa...even Luke wore African medallions and talked empowerment.
He still made booty videos and songs but he talked empowerment. As the "system" tried to make him the scapegoat for Amerikkkas troubles they also started to change the face of rap and began to promote the rappers who were talking of killing other blacks and reigning terror on our communities.
These people had always been there but in my time and in times before mine the community had ways of taking care of them.
With the introduction of crack this system that had saved us before began to fail as young men who were poor saw a way out...or so they thought.
They actually began to feed into the negative images that were playing on every t.v. screen in the Dislocated African community and started to view material things as the proof that they were indeed men.
This narcissistic personality is now so manifest in the black community that any damn thing can happen to us...any crime can be commited against us as long as our shoes look good and we can have a car with big rims and a booming sound system.
Troy Davis was proof of this as in the days leading up to his murder we stood in solidarity against the "system". It was what happened afterwards that showed the level of the control that the system has over us as we shut the fuck up and things went back to the way they were. 
There is no other people on earth that allow the things that happen to us to happen to them and remain seperated as we do. Seperated along lines of religion and class as we all remain niggers which is what we are a long as we allow this mentality to move us.
If you take a long hard look you will see where every people has a point where they say that "this is enough" and really take the steps necessary to change the behaviors of themselves to postively affect themselves.
This is not the case with us as preachers stand on pulpits in Dislocated African communities across the country and the world and teach us to hate our fellow man because he sees god in a different way...because he is a muslim or a rastafarian.
I always talk of the white mentality and I know that a whole lot of people take what I say in a negative way yet I also know that what I say is true.
I have worked around and lived with white people...and I don't mean the ones who want to be like us...the ones who have a secret desire to be us. I mean the ones who do not understand a damn thing about black except what they are shown on t.v. or told by another white person.
I have watched as even when they are mad at each other they will come together to stand against anything that they are confronted with...look at what happened after 9-11 when they used fear and miseducation to justify invading other countries in the name of democracy as all the while they took money from the inner city schools and communities to build more and more prisons.
Look at the makeup of the armed forces of the United States where the overwhelming majority of soldiers who fight on the front line come from the inner cities and are overwhelmingly minorities who when they come home can't even get a damn job...who can't even buy a damn house.
Look at the way that The President of this country is portrayed and how he is being attacked not for what he is or is not doing but because of his ethnicity...yep...thats what its about.
I could go on and on all day making points that prove my points but most of you probably will not listen anyway as you work to have those nice shoes and that you send your children to school to be miseducated by the same people who held your ancestors in slavery...who perpetuated segregation and still perpetuate it.
I once did an article where I talked of the fact that we are still living on a plantation only the plantation is the inner city and the suburbs are the plantation house.
It is a fact that in most of the cities today that if a riot breaks out it would be really easy to contain it cause all they have to do is block the roads to the suburbs...they did it with Katrina and New Orleans as they shot black people for just trying to walk out of the city.
Its high time that Dislocated Africans looked at whats really happening and when I say that I mean mentally as well as physically.
African -Amerikkan = Nigger.
This is Hamzah Faruq, and you have just been passed a cup of my finest coffee.


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