
Saturday, March 24, 2012


THE ARTWORK IS Broken Burden by ~kemetianwarrior

Thou hast come into this world of mine where I am still trying to decipher the hieroglyphics of these lives...a breath of fresh air in the stale air of being.
Thine eyes are the portals that transport these thoughts into full blown color...a swim in their shimmering depths, so cool and refreshing on a hot summer day.
Thine lips so full and so full of the juice of thine fruits have the ability to bring whole countries to their knees...bowing to the pinnacle of thy creation by Allah.
For thou art are the prototype that all other woman was created from as the angels stood around and watched...the chambers of mine beating heart belong to you.
Thy words are the sheild that I bear as I wake up immersed in the thick of this battle that rages across this world... physically, psychically, my strength is due to you.
Without thee mine seed is destined to die...dried up and withered are the remains of what we used to be when we dwelled in harmony.
Thy form is that of perfection as defined in any book of any portrait taken dost thou shine in all thy magnificence.
In all of the annals of man and mankind thy beauty is manifest...a flower in the garden of humanity wherefrom all life originated.
Wars have been fought over the skin that you have been made slaves and bred to forget the unaduterated power of our unification.
Such are the tales of our lives and those of our people as we seem to have lost our identity...our place in the race.
I feel thee as thou hast come into this world of mine...and I shall never be the same again. 

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