
Saturday, March 24, 2012

[Urgently] Dedicated to my son Jahreign Ishmail

[Urgently] Dedicated to my son Jahreign Ishmail. There is power in that name son.
The music... this piece was written to this rhythm so to absorb the full effect you have to listen.

Frantically do I scribe to bring these lyrics to life...before I die and these words are buried in a cold dark grave with me.
Before a young man gives his life over to the lies and trickery of the streets.
Before a young girl starts to auction off her body to get a step ahead, by sucking on some head.
See cause its real out here where I come from.
The home of crackheads, jack boys and chickenheads... junkies, pimps and motherfucking hoes.
A police is the enemy as I see, Me and my dad with tears in our eyes as they cuffed me on his porch, offered me three.
Life sentences that is.
Jahreign was just a baby then and I lived in the den of sin... the next time I saw him he was a year old. And I cried on that same porch.
Tears of joy for Allah allowing me to see my son... Threw them life sentences right back.
Eat that one system.
Honor your family and protect your queens cause in the end all we got is we.
I see with third eye vision in 4th dimension visuality, whole other degrees.
Ghetto youth and a ghetto ass mentality even as I orchestrate and matriculate... spit fyah and verbulate.
If I seem to have an attitude so the fuck what... suck that shit up, thats what they told the slaves.
I got a whole lot of shit to say and I will trample all who stand in my way cause I am more than man. I walk amongst the ranks of the hue-man.
Blessed with the spirit of an African.
In these violent times on these violent streets where even the music is violent as it pounds down that bass sound.
A Florida boy Done seen it all from a southern perspective steeped in the brew of this toxic southern stew. 
A new age warrior for a new age terror in a brave new world.
Cause no matter what happens, I stand for my tribe as the day breaks.
I frantically scribe to bring these words to life.

I bring it this way Jah cause life ain't easy and I know that you have seen much. Be blessed waladi. 


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