
Saturday, March 24, 2012



Let my people go.
Let them go from the ghettos in a mass exodus of mental slavery and self hate.
Skin tone visuality as sold out souls try to be free on a plane of insanity... masonic spirituality.
To be as the beast is to be the beast in stages and degrees... born of numerology in egyptian chambers.
Oaths that are uttered in whispers on the edges of six pointed stars in the land of babylon.
And the words of the ancient of days become the words by which we live in these forseen times.
Let my people go from Cadillac dreams and visions of having it all as all seems to grow out of control.
In these times of virtual knowledge where the truth is but a fingertip away the fool remains thirsty.
Taught not to drink from the fountain of sanity as children are corrupted and mislead.
As men grow weaker... and war seems to make man wiser... smarter bombs that rain on innocence.
Let my people go from the 500 plus years of brainwashing and whitewashing education.
Cause it seems that all we got from the bible was hate.
Hate for being born in the motherland from whence man came... missionaries and covert missions.
A cross and a cannon.
Let my people go.


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