
Saturday, March 24, 2012



Why you think its okay to play with I? 
For I have walked in fire and swam in the deepest waters of babylon. 
I have cried over my childs body when he was born and when he died.
I have been locked away in the belly of the beast where men satisfy weak mens needs.
I have heard the sound of shotgun pellets as they sprayed the wall where I stood a fraction of a second before.
A warrior cloaked in the darkness of the projects.
Why you think its okay to play with I?
For I have been hit with bricks...swung on with bats... felt the bite of dog chains as they met this flesh.
I bear scars seen and unseen as I have internalised the pain... a walking talking time bomb.
Controlled explosions in the heart of this war as I traverse these mean alleys and streetcorners in the F.L.A.
Where the enemy sometimes looks like me cursed with a warped mentality.
A second away from obliteration at the hands of the system that serves to protect the few while the many fight over shoes.
While children are still born into servitude and statistical poverty.
I awake to fight every single day... so I ask one last time.
What makes you think its okay to play with I and I?


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